Enterprise Interns

The role of the Intern is to actively support, promote & develop a spirit of Enterprise & Self-Employment amongst students attending MTU. This entails the implementation of a range of new initiatives, activities and competitions which support this goal. The interns encourage students to voice their ideas and to create a sense enthusiasm around their product/service. The interns actively support the MTU Societies that help students kick-start their business idea.

Mary-Jo Williams - Rubicon Enterprise Intern



Mary-Jo is an International Business with Spanish graduate from MTU currently pursuing a master’s in Global Business Practice. Mary-Jo is working to promote and encourage Entrepreneurship in MTU and highlight Enterprise activities in the Rubicon. Mary-Jo will use her marketing and entrepreneurial experience to promote innovation and enterprise in MTU and The Rubicon Centre.



Emily Piggott - Rubicon Enterprise Intern


Emily is a Creative Digital Media graduate from MTU currently pursuing a masters in Journalism and Digital Content Creation. Emily is using her skills in content creation to promote innovation and entrepreneurship at MTU and the Rubicon Centre.



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