Student INC 2023

The Munster Technological University (MTU) led 2023 Student Inc programme came to a successful
conclusion on Thursday 24th August with a showcase event in the new MTU Arena, Cork,
Ireland. The programme was part funded by the HEA. The event was attended by
approximately 100 people from the academic and business communities.
The 2023 Student Inc. participants came from 7 different universities covering the entire west coast
of Ireland: Munster Technological University, University College Cork, University of Limerick, Mary Immaculate College, Atlantic Technological University, Technological University of the Shannon and this year had the pleasure of hosting students from Endicott College in Boston.

The programme featured a diverse range of student business ideas from ideas in the tech sectors, to innovative fishing nets. The guest speaker at the event was MTU graduate Dylan Hennessy, Founder of Slim Cocktails, himself a Student Inc participant in 2021. Slim Cocktails is an innovative low-calorie cocktail mix company based in Waterford, Ireland.
The programme commenced on May 29th and ran for 13 weeks. During that time the students were
based in the on-campus business incubation centres facilitated by the partners, attended one to one
mentoring sessions (110 in total), training sessions and workshops (52 in total), worked with the
other students on the programme, got the opportunity to interact with more seasoned
entrepreneurs from a broad range of sectors across the region and pitched to a panel of Angel

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